Move away from the Sweeping Brush!

Today I am working, in fact 5 seconds ago I was sweeping the floor until I got a sudden urge to write my nonsense out of my head, so I abandon the little pile of uncollected floor dirt, knowing I will forget its there and dash through it and spread it across the floor again in the next while. And here I find myself typing away on my lovely white keyboard with coal stained hands! Really should go wash them but sometimes things have to go in the order my head tells me too :)

It’s the first day I have a whole day to stay in my lovely little office and work for a solid day. Be productive, be creative, be whatever I can be for the few hours I have before our little people get home.

All geared up, picked up the essentials on the way back from the school run lest I be disturbed with any unwanted errands. I even bought an extra stamp in the post office, 'just in case'. 

Being that I have to travel through our little cottage to get to my office, I couldn’t help but notice one or two things that needed to be done, before I got to my desk with a scalding cup of tea.
Ok, the word ‘discipline’ is whirling in my head. If you are working you are working, I tell myself. ignore the breakfast dishes, by-pass the bed-making and PROCEED TO THE OFFICE…

I tried, I really did. My OCD got the better of me. Breakfast cleared, beds made, fire lit, wash on, recycling out, and then the floor needed to be swept. Of course!

Sweeping the floor, gave me time to think. Dangerous indeed. Firstly, how lovely it was now that I had all those little jobs done, and how much more productive I would be in my little office because of that. The fire crackles, and my random thoughts keeping flying towards me with every stroke of the sweeping brush though.And here they were:

Thought #1:I wonder will this floor sweeping burn off some of that really bold Wispa I just ate on the school run. Probably not, maybe I will go to the gym tonight.

Thought #2: While sweeping the carpet in the office, I wonder if I can get someone in to clean it. I question what I was ever thinking putting carpet into a house and least not a cream one. I lay that notion to rest, being that said carpet will be ripped up for house works in coming future anyhow, so I tell myself it will be ok for now. It’s not really though.

Thought #3: I really need to set aside some time and go out with my camera today because its and amazing bright fresh, frosty day. One of my favourite kinds. But must get some work done first.

Thought #4: I wonder will our kids, and other kids compare what they have with each other for the rest of their days. Feeling disappointed that none of them listen to me when I tell them everyone has what they have and they are lucky for it, just as you are for what you have. Drives me mad. I whole- heartedly want them to grow up, without needing excessive and empty material things and be able to say they didn't have too much but had enough. Can’t understand where the spoiled undertones come from. Were we like that in the 80’s too? Must focus on this for 2016 me thinks. Must also practise what I preach. I mean, it’s not like it’s ok for me to constantly want a different car just because I hate the one I have, in reality, say a Q7 for example. #humblepie.

Ok, it’s 10 O’Clock and I promised myself I would be officially “working’ by then, so I think I’ve bored you all enough with my thought spill this morning.

Enjoy the beautiful day, I already am, thankfully


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