"You always look so calm and happy, how do you do it?". Needless to say I'm flabbergasted and flattered by this very kind remark. If they knew!!!
I cough, I smile and fumble a self deprecating "oooh, you should see me at home". I collect my change, because I'm at a petrol station, and dance out the door with my three cubbies in tow thinking how bloody utterly super I am to be so calm in public.
 I get to the car, and ask politely, then order, and in the end, bark at the kids to get into the car. I bundle, fold, negotiate and belt them in. I referee the fights and screams, make a million promises that they can have this, that and the other, if they will spare my sanity until we make it home and allow me to remain so seemingly calm.
The neurotic alter ego peeps through when it all gets too much but more than not, the reserve I have built up is enough to guide me through these stressful little trips to the shops, the barbers or to a friends house. I am the ultimate swan, paddling frantically under the surface and looking like I have got my everything all together on the surface.

 Don't be fooled by us swans guys... Life is not 'Pinterest Perfect'. Sonja x


  1. Well done. Goosebumps reading because it's exactly how most of us feel! Looking forward to following your blog. Well done wonderful friend xx

  2. My first comment! Thank you Laura xxxxxx

  3. That struggle is all too real and it perfectly depicts what motherhood is REALLY like. I wish it wasn't so I could enjoy motherhood more and actually enjoy trips outside the house with my little cubs

    1. Thanks a million. We may as well laugh at the chaos! Hope all is going well

    2. Indeed, that's why God blessed us mums with an outstanding sense of humour, otherwise we'd be crying our way through the day! All is going ok thanks, best of luck with this new venture, you'll be great, you ARE great! xx

  4. The very best of luck with this Sonja, you'll be wonderful


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