"We slid down a hill, we put our feet in the water, there was lots of ponds and bridges and we even saw a fairy". The kids are oozing excitement from a magical day at Loughcrew Gardens and are bursting to tell their dad about it all when he comes in from work. They are beautifully exhausted and sun-kissed and I am so thrilled for them. This is a stark contrast to their first week of mid-term last week, when they were all so ill and the weather so cold and dull. How nice that they have had 4 whole days playing outside, having various adventures with friends in the sunshine.
Today was spent walking, or rather, chasing our kids around the beautiful gardens. The motte, mini canal, meandering streams meant that myself and my fellow mummy friend were on high alert with all the water, but the yelps of excitement from the kids as they ran around exploring made it worth while. They crossed little foot bridges, followed leaf boats down the streams and eventually kicked off their shoes and socks so their toes could feel the water. The sun was out and the little streams just glistened and sparkled so perfectly, it was hard not to get close to the water.
There was a hill, a very steep hill, which needless to say was climbed. The chosen method of descent was sliding back down on their bums, really sliding and dragging that muck and grass right into the fibres of their clothes. Initially I was concerned about their new clothes! But then... there was those smiles. I had no choice but to embrace their enjoyment and render their new clothes as yet more play clothes.
I'm happy to say that there aren't many "good" clothes for the kids in this house anymore. I do try but it always happens... the choice to let them have fun or mind their clothes!? The latter, always wins, even if I try to resist momentarily.
I want them to have adventure and play like we used to when we were children. I worry they won't get to experience the same funs we had as kids. Huts in ditches, climbing trees, swimming in lakes and playing in hay sheds. We live in the country so that really assists this plight of mine. We have a field each side of our house and these fields are full of adventure. Our youngest, who is two, wants to follow her brothers into the fields and has just this week, managed to throw here little legs across the top rung of the fence!! It's going to be a long summer watching this little one. While I was petrified she would fall, I was also immensely proud of her. Fearless and adventurous, conquering the fence that towered above her little blonde head.
2 out of the 3 fell asleep on our way home from Loughcrew Gardens. When we got home, they had the biggest dinners I have ever seen them eat. They were elated, exhausted and hungry. This made today a great day, and made me a very happy, also sun-kissed and exhausted mum. They checked the sky on the way home to see if tomorrow will bring more sunshine... there was a hint of red, so here's hoping! We will make the most of it while it lasts.
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